Baptism Preparation for Parents of Children ages up to 1st Grade
Our parish has a process designed to help parents understand the sacrament of baptism and to support them in their role of helping their child to fully live the gifts received in baptism.
Both parents and godparents attend a Baptism Class. Baptism Classes are held at Good Shepherd on scheduled weekends throughout the year. Parents can schedule a time to participate in one of our classes in the Parish office during normal business hours. Since the Sacrament of Baptism is a welcoming and initial initiation into the Mystical Body of Christ which is a community of God's love, we do not perform private Baptisms.
Baptism Preparation for Children Grades 1 to 12
The Religious Education program coordinates the "Older Student Sacrament Program" each year for these children: RCIC [Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children]. This program is offered to children who have reached the age of 7 and older [up to 12th grade] and have not completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation) in the regularly scheduled order. After successfully completing the RCIC program, the students will enter into full communion with the Catholic Church by receiving 2 or 3 of the following Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism [if the child is not already a baptized Christian), First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Classes are offered anually. For more information on the specific additional requirements of this program please contact our Religuious Education Director.
Baptism Preparation for Adults
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) ministry prepares adults to receive their initiation sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Check out our "Becoming Catholic" page, and for more information about the RCIA process do not hesitate to contact our RCIA Coordinator.
Eucharist (Holy Communion)
First Communion Preparation for Children in 2nd Grade
The Religious Education program prepares children in the 2nd grade to receive their first Communion during the season of Easter each year. Classes are offered to 2nd graders who are already baptized. Students should complete the official first year in 1st grade, followed by the second year in 2nd grade, consecutively. After successful completion of both classes, students receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion / Eucharist in the 2nd grade. Classes are offered Sunday mornings, or Wednesdays or Thursday evenings. For more information about the Elementary RE program contact our Religuious Education Director.
First Communion Preparation for Children in Grades 3 - 12
The Religious Education program coordinates the "Older Student Sacrament Program" each year: RCIC [Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children]. This program is offered to children who have reached the age of 7 and older [up to 12th grade] and have not completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation) in the regularly scheduled order. After successfully completing the RCIC program, the students will enter into full communion with the Catholic Church by receiving 2 or 3 of the following Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism [if the child is not already a baptized Christian), First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Classes are offered anually. For more information about the Older Student Sacrament RE program contact our Religious Education Director.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) ministry prepares adults to receive their initiation sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Check out our "Becoming Catholic" page, and for more information about the RCIA process do not hesitate to contact the RCIA Coordinator.
Strengthened to be Saints
The gift of the Holy Spirit in each of our lives is an unfathomable treasure. In our Baptism we have received the grace of adoption as God’s own sons and daughters, being recreated in the image of Jesus Christ. The same Holy Spirit empowers us to live and die as Christ did—in complete fidelity to the Father’s will—through Confirmation. This participation in the identity and mission of Christ is made possible because we receive the same Spirit with which Jesus Christ is filled (cf. CCC 1294). The sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation correspond to this twofold nature of God’s gift, first entrance into His Family, and secondly our heroic living as witnesses in that relationship, called to be Saints.
Role of the Godparent/Sponsor
Every teen preparing for Confirmation needs a sponsor. It is desirable that the same people who served as godparents for baptism return to fill the role of Confirmation sponsors. In the Baptism of infants, godparents represent both the expanded spiritual family of the one to be baptized and the role of the Church as mother. As occasion offers, godparents help the parents so that children will come to profess the Faith and live up to it. If the candidates baptismal godparents are not available to serve as the Confirmation sponsor, parish leaders should help the candidate find a suitable sponsor. The sponsor, however, need not be a member of the same parish as the confirmand.
It is expected that each confirmand have one sponsor. Whether the sponsor is male or female is in itself no consequence.
Sponsors should exhibit the following qualities:
Sufficient maturity to fulfill their function (at least 16 years of age)
Practicing Catholic in good standing with the Catholic Church
Having received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
Freedom from any impediment of law to their fulfilling the office of sponsor
May not be the natural or adoptive parent of the confirmand (Cf. Canon 893).
The Religious Education program coordinates the Confirmation program each year. - Classes are offered to 3rd - 10th graders who have already received First Holy Communion. Students should complete the official first year Confirmation class in 9th grade, followed by the second year confirmation class in 10th grade, consecutively. After successful completion of both classes, students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the 10th grade. For more information about the Sacrament of Confirmation for Youth contact our Religious Education Director.